Tag Archives: fmaily


5 Oct

There is much in this country for which we should be grateful. Canada is a democracy teaming with opportunity. We have an education system envied worldwide, the potential for fame and fortune, and the freedom to make our own choices. Our health care system, while lacking, is still light years away from no health care system at all. We are not suppressed by a tyrannical culture fraught with fanatics with no regard for human life. Why then do we, as a nation find so much to complain about?

As Thanksgiving waits in the wings to make an appearance let us be grateful for the many wonderful things afforded us by this country? For those who gave and those who continue to give their lives, so that we might maintain our freedom. For the free trade that allows us the luxuries with which we surround ourselves. For the judicial system that keeps us safe and for the opportunity to live side by side with many diverse cultural and ethnic groups, in harmony and without fear. We must not forget the many beautiful parks maintained for our enjoyment; the fine roads that allow us to travel this great nation from one shore to another and a myriad of other advantages that we mostly take for granted.

There are plenty of other reasons to count ourselves lucky.  Lest I forget I have made a list.

I am grateful that I have a sense of humour. It is much better to laugh then to fill my heart with anger and frustration.

I’m grateful for not being a super model. There’s no pressure to be a beauty in my world. No reason to eat bland salads or succumb to anorexia.

I’m grateful that I do not have total recall. I’m happy to forget all the times I have put my foot in my mouth.

I’m grateful for not being rich. I know who my friends are.

I’m grateful for having survived the 80’s, mullets, platform shoes and spandex! Really?

I’m grateful for not being a movie star. How tiresome maintaining ones image. Always on parade, the constant barrage of questions, the invasion of your personal life and all that money to have to decide how to spend.

I’m grateful for not having more than two children. We could have had so many more kids to embarrass.

I’m grateful that I can’t afford a Jaguar. Do you know how much it costs to get those babies serviced!!

I’m grateful that my husband can sometimes be oblivious to things. Early in our marriage his occasional insensibility frustrated me. Now it serves me well, as he fails to notice my extra rolls, wrinkles and grey hairs.

I’m grateful for having been born in the fifties. Life was simpler. As teenagers, we knew the rules and we knew when we had crossed the line.

I’m grateful that I’m not royalty, too much bad press.

I’m grateful I am a grandmother and am loved unconditionally.

Others might want to be grateful that I am not omnipotent.  I would have bullies banished, those who would dupe the elderly, castrated and hate mongers flogged.  I might even deal with a few politicians in the same way.  It is good to be King!

Here is a challenge for you. Make a list of all the things that make you feel grateful. Don’t forget to inject a little humour. Carry it with you. When you are frustrated and angered by bureaucracy and red tape, take it out and read it aloud. You’ll be grateful you did.